
Forms are the core of Formium. They are the centerpiece of projects. Projects can have as many forms as your plan allows. In addition to holding Submissions, you can assign Workflows to Forms in order to automate processes upon each new submission (e.g send an email, webhook, etc.) or schema update (e.g. trigger a redploy of a website).

Creating a form

Note: Forms can only be created by a project administrator.
  1. Navigate to your project's Forms tab.

  2. Click Create a New Form.

  3. Enter a form name.

  4. Click Create

Once you create a new form, Formium will present you with instructions about how to start adding questions and collecting responses.

Form Settings

Each Formium form has several properties that you can configure. Below is a description of each property and any considerations you should take when updating your form settings. All form settings can be updated from your form's Settings tab.

Form name

Your form's name is used to help you quickly find each form. Choose a name that is human readable and easily recognizable.

Note: Changing your form name will not change your submission endpoints.

Form slug

Your form's slug is used to uniquely identify your form within a project and is used as part of your submission endpoint.


Changing your form's slug will change your submission endpoints and thus your client integrations. Formium will NOT redirect new submissions to your new slug.

Example form slug change

In this example, we have project with a slug of apple and a form with slug subscribe. Somewhere in our applications we could have a forms that looks something like:

<input type="email" name="email" id="email" />
<button type="submit">Subscribe!</button>

If we change our form slug from subscribe to sign-up we need to update the form's action endpoint as follows:

- <form action="" method="POST">
+ <form action="" method="POST">
<input type="email" name="email" id="email" />
<button type="submit">Subscribe!</button>

Form locked

Your form's locked state determines how the form handles new field keys in a submission. When your form is unlocked, it will accept any field keys that are submitted. When your form is locked, it will reject any submissions that contain new field keys.

When your form is first created it is unlocked and you can send any combination of key-value pairs in the request body. This is useful when developing and testing your form as your keys might change, but in production this risks being intentionally abused.

Once your form is in production, we recommend locking your form to prevent someone from adding new keys that could complicate your data.

Allowed upload types

Your form's allowed upload types determine what types of files will be accepted as uploads. Any file uploads that are not an allowed type will be rejected. For your form to accept uploads, you must specify at least one allowed upload type.

Form submissions layout

Formium offers the choice between a table layout and a list layout when viewing your submission data.

Table layout

If you prefer viewing as much submission data as possible, the table view is for you. Within the table layout, you can also update the Form Columns ordering and visibility to create the layout that is most useful for you.

List layout

Similar to an email inbox, view a list of submission summaries and expand each item to view all submisssion details. Within the list layout, you can select the Primary and Secondary fields that will be displayed in each summary item.

Deleting a form

Forms can only be deleted by a project admin.

  1. Navigate to the bottom of the form Settings tab.

  2. Click Delete Form.

    Delete form
  3. Enter the form name and click Delete.

    Delete form modal
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Build forms, without the tears.